Monday, February 20, 2006

Hey good looking, what cha got cooking?

I've always known I was a geek. I mean on my first day of school my mom thought it was a good idea to put me in knee high socks, overalls cut off at the knees, and a big straw floppy farmers hat. I never really stood a chance.

Last week I started down a path I vowed I would never take. I started collecting comic books. Now some of you might ask "Jeff didn't you already do that?" The answer to that question is no. I never actually collected comic books. I collected trade paper backs. For those of you who don't know trade paper backs are the collected run of a series. So for example volume one of the Green Arrow trade paper back collects issues 1-9.

Now this is sad for so many reasons. I will undoubtedly spend hours in comic book shops. I will immerse myself in grimy rooms reeking of B.O. surrounded by people who lose themselves in games of Heroclix and Star Wars Miniatures while I frantically look through boxes filled with cheap paper enclosed in plastic sleeves with acid-free cardboard backs. All this searching will leave me with a few moments of triumph when I pull issue #47 of Fables. My head will fill with useless comic book trivia. For instance did you know that Mysterio's helmet has its own half hour oxygen supply?

But being a geek isn't all that bad. Usually anywhere you go in the USA you have some sort of community. Usually that community shies away from natural light, but its better then nothing. Some of my best friends are geeks. In fact some of the best memories that I have are with people who I consider geeks. If your name isn't Arya, Robby, or Leslie you fall in that category. (Not to worry. Y'all are associated with good memories as well.)

Anyway that's what I've been doing with my life as of late. I think I'm ready for a change pretty soon.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Your results:
You are Chekov

James T. Kirk (Captain)
Will Riker
Geordi LaForge
Deanna Troi
Jean-Luc Picard
Mr. Sulu
Mr. Scott
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Beverly Crusher
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Brash, rash and hasty,
but everyone loves you.

Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...

Your results:
You are Superman

Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The boys tell how Poncho fell, and Lefty is living in cheap hotels.

Friday night was fun. I thought it was going to be a quiet night with just me and Leslie. But we decided that we wanted to go out. So I called my cousin Leway and my friend Michael to see if they wanted to go to a bar. A couple of Leway's friends as well as Leslie's friend Kristi joined us. We ended up going to a place called the Bombay Bicycle Club. It was a neat little club with a lot of people. I had a Bud Light. It was cool because it had a rodeo cowboy on the bottle. I think because the San Antonio Stockshow and Rodeo is coming soon.

We decided that we wanted to go somewhere quieter. We made our way over to Hooligans Sportsbar and Grill. Leway met a waitress there, but he didn't get her number like I told him to. Smuck. I met a nice Long Island Iced Tea. We talked for a little bit before I realized that it wouldn't work out. Long distance relationships rarely do. After beating Michael at air hockey, 7-4, we decided to go back to Leway's place.

We sat around and drank some more. The guys had Romeo y Julieta cigars. That's where we made fun of Leeway for being gay. Here are some excerpts:
-You know what Leway's favorite food is?
-You know what his favorite sausage is?
-Jimmy Dean
-You know what Leway's favorite rice dish is?
-White on rice
-You know what his favorite soda is?

We ended the night with Wedding Crashers. I've seen that movie like eight times now and it's still really funny. I didn't think it would be but it is. Anyways it was a fun night but a boring blog entry. Weird huh?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

These old boots still got a lot of ground they haven't covered yet.

To tell y'all the truth I only started this blog so I could be cool and funny like my friend Robbie, but when I sat down to write down a funny post I realized that I'm not that funny. That was sad. In fact it was the saddest moment of my life. Well not really the saddest moment of my life, but it was sorta disappointing. Actually it wasn't really disappointing but a lesser shade of disappointing. I don't know the word. But it made me realize I needed to stop wasting my days watching Justice League Unlimited episodes and wishing I had my modded Xbox back. Man I miss that Xbox.

I did make it to Capoeira class tonight. This is the third time I've gone this week. Three straight nights of Capoeira takes its toll on the body. My back, legs, shoulders, triceps, and other muscle groups that I didn't even know I had are sore. It's getting hard to do simple things like move my mouse so I can start the fifth season of Justice League Unlimited. *NERD ALERT, PLEASE REMAIN CALM*. In the fourth season the Justice League just made the ultra-secret government agency, Cadmus, realize it was being duped by Lex Luthor. But it all worked out due to the heroism and quick thinking of the Flash. Who might I add nearly merged with the Speed Force fighting a Brainiac and Lex Luthor amalgam. *NERD ALERT ENDING IN 3...2...1...* I can almost do a back tuck. I can do a back Handspring but I wouldn't try it without a spotter.

That's all I got for now. Robbie I'm still working on that section for you. I'll try to get it done over the weekend.

I guess I'll be seeing you down the road.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sun downs coming round, baby lets get crazy now, crazy west Texas moon

Hey guys. Since Robbie started a blog and Calvin started reposting on his, I've decided I wanted to make one as well. I'm still playing around with it. I'll have a real update later.