Monday, February 20, 2006

Hey good looking, what cha got cooking?

I've always known I was a geek. I mean on my first day of school my mom thought it was a good idea to put me in knee high socks, overalls cut off at the knees, and a big straw floppy farmers hat. I never really stood a chance.

Last week I started down a path I vowed I would never take. I started collecting comic books. Now some of you might ask "Jeff didn't you already do that?" The answer to that question is no. I never actually collected comic books. I collected trade paper backs. For those of you who don't know trade paper backs are the collected run of a series. So for example volume one of the Green Arrow trade paper back collects issues 1-9.

Now this is sad for so many reasons. I will undoubtedly spend hours in comic book shops. I will immerse myself in grimy rooms reeking of B.O. surrounded by people who lose themselves in games of Heroclix and Star Wars Miniatures while I frantically look through boxes filled with cheap paper enclosed in plastic sleeves with acid-free cardboard backs. All this searching will leave me with a few moments of triumph when I pull issue #47 of Fables. My head will fill with useless comic book trivia. For instance did you know that Mysterio's helmet has its own half hour oxygen supply?

But being a geek isn't all that bad. Usually anywhere you go in the USA you have some sort of community. Usually that community shies away from natural light, but its better then nothing. Some of my best friends are geeks. In fact some of the best memories that I have are with people who I consider geeks. If your name isn't Arya, Robby, or Leslie you fall in that category. (Not to worry. Y'all are associated with good memories as well.)

Anyway that's what I've been doing with my life as of late. I think I'm ready for a change pretty soon.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know i'm kind of insulted that I wasn't called a geek, but at the same time i'm in some damn good company, even though I haven't met 1/3 of that list. (not that i'm bitter or anything) ::looks at jeff through computer screen::

At 5:12 PM, Blogger RobChas said...

I'm glad you don't consider me a geek Jeff, though we all know I'm on cusp.

And I'm also glad you associate me with good memories. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful if I explicitly knew 2 or 3 of your memories. Maybe if they were written down, say in bullet points, and then, I don't know, I guess I would post them on my blog. Yes, that would be delightful.

At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello guh!! i enjoy your writing. it has a pleasant tone to it :D by the way, you are a big geek. its ok, im weird too. i think thats why we're siblings, other than the blood relation. catch ya later texan. btw, whats going with spring break bro? derno derno. bbye.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you call me a geek? ima meia lua de compasso your beak again, tucano. "I'll see YOU! In the roda..."



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