Friday, June 30, 2006

The Greatest Team Up Stories Ever Told

Things are looking up for Jeff! Exciting news! I have a new laptop! It's a macbook. It is literally the greates thing ever! Now I can be online during class. I love it.

The second peice of good news is that I get to go to New York in August! It's shaping up to be another trip with all of my cousins. Raina (cousin) titled the trip "The Cousins Take Manhatten!" Honestly the only things I want to do is visit some museums, take 1-2 classes of capoeira, and see if I would like living in the city.

Thats about all. Oh ya! I've gotten addicted to a show caled Robot Chicken. If ya'll have never seen it I strongly urge you to watch it. I think I'm going to go watch Superman tonight. I've heard mixed reviews. I dunno I'll let you know.


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