Sunday, October 08, 2006

Beginning to get to me

I hate Corpus Christi. There I said it.

I haven't done anything these last two days except for cook 25 lbs of beef shank, and go to a Moon Festival party with really bad kareoke singers (I did not participate).

I did get to see my grandfather though. It was good seeing him again. He is heading out for a trip to Taiwan soon. Every time I see him I'm afraid it may be the last. Is that morbid? He's getting older but still full of piss and vinegar. He used to just be full of vinegar.

Lately I've been in a funk. I think it's moving on with my life. Everything either feels like it's beginning or ending. And lately there seems to be alot more ending than beginning. In fact I can't seem to get anything to begin. Everything I've built up these last few years seems to be crashing down around me and I don't know how to stop it.

I don't want to leave Texas. I want to leave Texas. Does that make sense?


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