Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm so drunk I can barely see, but it helps me get through another day (stll the best show ever)

Setting: A concrete sidewalk with a black two-bar railing faces the harbor. Behind is a wooded park with joggers running away from their problems, or more practically, their calories. There are three men and one Wookie leaning against the railing looking out at the harbor. One of them is drinking vodka from the bottle (drinking isn’t the right term, chugging is a more apt description) and the Wookie is smoking a cigarette.

TE:(Leans in dangerously towards Jiff and drunkenly asks) How was f-in London Jeff. (Stumbles forward, catches himself at the last instant and straitens himself, but thinks better of it and sits down, taking another long swig on his vodka bottle)
Jeff: It was good I guess. It was a bit lonely, but it snowed so that was good. Wanna see some pictures?
Chewie: MROUMMPGH MROOUMPGGHHH!!! (breathes in the smoke through his cigarette)
Jeff: Ok Chewie here we go, and can you blow that smoke somewhere else? (coughs)
Chewie: Mrroumpgh. (Blows smoke away from Jeff)
Jeff: Here’s the first one. I got in at 6 in the morning on Sunday and since that was really my only day for seeing stuff. Here are the pictures (Jeff reaches into his coat and pulls out an envelope of pictures. Edison struggles to his feet, and rests his head on Jeff's shoulder as he gazes at the pictures)

Here's Buckingham Palace

Green Park

The Rosetta Stone

Me and some old dude

a tv/guitar


and most important of all

All in all it was fun. Cheers mate!

Conf: Oh my god. Thats so lame, right Edison?

TE: (looking sick, Thomas leans forward and vomits on Jeff's shoe)

Jeff: OH MY GOD MR. EDISON, MY SHOES!!!! (before Jeff can lean down and clean his shoe, Chewie puts his cigarette out in the vomit. Jeff looks over at Chewie) I hate you guys.