Thursday, May 25, 2006

You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Blue Moon Over Kentucky

So I haven't updated in a long time. Maybe that's an understatement. I guess I'll start with how my life has been going.

Its been ok. I started a new job as an intern with Munoz Public Relations. They have some pretty big name clients, chiefly Ford Motor Company. They also do some side work with Proctor & Gamble and also a group of reknowned mariachis, Marichi Vargas. We just recently did a media screening for an IMAX film centered around the global history of the Cowboy. It was a learning experience.

Leslie has left for London. Well she is still in Houston but for all intense and purposes she's gone for the summer. So it's just me by my lonesome till she gets back. Capoeira has been going good. My batizado is coming up (June 10th if yall wanna come, call me for details.)

The thing about Capoeira is that it teaches you things. Many of you might say what can guys doing a bunch of flips and kicks teach you? You would be surprised by the answer. (Ok obviously you wouldn't be surprised due to the nature of the question. Shut up I'm making a point.) It has exposed how insecure I am with my abilities. This problem has plagued me for awhile. Even when I led worship it used to get to me. I was never confident in my musical ability. This problem has only intensified with physical ability. I'm still not confident in the way my body moves. I still get really nervous before I jump into the roda causing me to make stupid mistakes.

I guess to sum it all up I've been doing some thinking. I'm nervous of making large moves. I'm scared of taking the next step. I want to move out of Texas but I've made a nice little rut here. I don't know if I want to leave it. I guess I've just been feeling a little blue. Not sad, but like after you listen to a song by a good jazz musician. Melancholy. Anyways after that Charlie Brown post I'm going to go to sleep. I promise I didn't write this to get attention. I PROMISE!